John Fredericks Customer Portal, your ‘Interactive Customer Enquiry’ system. Monitor your orders, both current and historic.
All your order information in one place! Login to view: Delivery Schedules, Orders on Query or Awaiting Sign Off (Answer the queries and authorise signoffs online), Check and Download Glass Sizes, Order information both Current and Historic, and much more.
JFICE is free to use for all active customers, just ask your sales advisor for your login information.
John Fredericks Customer Portal, your ‘Interactive Customer Enquiry’ system. Monitor your orders, both current and historic.
All your order information in one place! Login to view: Delivery Schedules, Orders on Query or Awaiting Sign Off (Answer the queries and authorise signoffs online), Check and Download Glass Sizes, Order information both Current and Historic, and much more.
JFICE is free to use for all active customers, just ask your sales advisor for your login information.