At John Fredericks we have always believed that to ensure a sustainable future, business’s need to be environmentally responsible and become an example to the public.
Our objective as a business is to set a responsible lead and example through our working practices.
In line with our environmental policy, John Fredericks is committed towards:
- Exercising due care in waste disposal produced as a result of company activities, developing plans to reduce waste, and increase efficiency.
- In relationships with our customers and suppliers, we are taking practical steps to prevent pollution, to reduce energy, raw materials, water consumption and waste.
- Encouraging the re-use of material wherever feasible, when it does not compromise our product or service.
- Aiming to reduce our impact on the environment and implement environmentally responsible policies/products throughout our operations.
- Minimising our environmental footprint, by working towards sustainability
We Recycle
Old PVC-u Windows / PVC-u off-cuts
Steel / Aluminium
Paper / Cardboard
Electrical Items
Fluorescent Tubes
disposal of non-recyclable waste*
*responsible disposal of non-recyclable waste, via registered contractors.